proklamacja, proklamacja władzy Jezusa, proklamacja w Krakowie, proklamacja Jezusa, proclamation Poland, proklamacja manifest, kierunek Jezus, kościół miłości i mocy Jezusa, proklamacja Krakow

Proclamation Krakow Main Square

Thursday 17th – Sunday 20th August 2023

Starts 5 PM on Krakow Main Square near the monument of Adam Mickiewicz.

"because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17,21


"because the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17,21


Important information

If you have made a desicion to receive Jesus and made Him the Lord and Savior of your life, whether you made it on the Market Square with us or alone at home, it’s time to take the next step!

Get in touch with believers that will help you grow in faith.

You may contact us via Facebook:
or write to: [email protected]


If you live in Cracow, please join us on the Sunday service in church:

  • 5:00 PM, os. Wysokie 22, Kierunek Jezus Church
  • 11:00 AM, os. Wysokie 22, 3rd Baptist Church in Cracow
  • 11:00 AM, Monte Cassino 2 hotel Park Inn, Slavic Mission in Europe (service held in russian)
How it all began?

In 2013, together with children and in-laws, we have walked to the Old Town main square in Krakow. At a certain moment the Holy Spirit came upon Natalia so that she fell down while I began to tremble and praise God. The in-laws were terrified and they wanted to call an ambulance, but quickly they felt peace. There were several such incidents in various places between Wawel and the Old Town Main Square of Krakow. Once God led Natalia (“He led” means physically sensible moving her legs) to see the music event next to the Sukiennice. The music was beautiful while the lyrics were morally and spiritually dirty. Natalia heard a voice: “You see: the devil’s children make him an altar here in the center of the town, while My children do not want to celebrate Me even on the outskirts. Build Me an altar here.”

For the next three years, God was coming back to this event several times, prophecy appeared due to God’s people whom we did not know, who repeatedly said: “You will build an altar for Me, and the people of God will see that the times of the apostles shall not passed.” The altar reminded me badly: with priests, with chapels or sacrifices, with something foreign to biblical Christianity. Let us offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is our true and proper worship, unlike the world (Romans 12: 1-2).

In 2017, I was making a career in a multinational corporation and my wife insisted more and more that we would go out and build this altar: maybe worshipping, maybe evangelizing, to start doing something. I started talking to God about it. What I’ve heard, I did. I lost my face as a rationalist, we started to go out with a loudspeaker to call people to God while walking along the route where God filled us.

In August 2018 Michael Job came to us. During the prayer God showed him Krakow’s Old Town main square and called him to begin preaching the gospel there. We thought about the stage, sound equipment and worship groups, but according to the city authorities it was possible only on the Old Town small square, but it was not the place God showed us. There was no large event, no officials, but there was a miraculous presence of Jesus Christ and healings took place: There were 2 evangelists: Michael i Khalid Shaheen. Khalid took over the church in Germany after his father and then decided with the team to conduct evangelism in Pakistan, where they gather hundreds of thousands of people. It’s been one group for 25 years, first as church leaders, now as leading service of the gospel, a beautiful example of brotherhood.

We had about 30 people involved on different levels in organizing the event. We counted about 200 healings, 100 people raised their hands to give life to Jesus. After giving their lives to Jesus, 70 people wanted to stay in contact with the church. This year, several cities join us: Mielec, Sanok, Katowice, Krosno, Warsaw.

The purpose: To proclaim the authority of Jesus on Earth in places indicated by God. It is a spiritual battle.

Why? Because it means proclaiming the Kingdom of God in accordance with the prayer: “Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

How? Talking about what Jesus did in our lives and singing only about God and for Jesus.

senior pastor Wojciech Orzeł

Come and give glory to God

Jesus: “the devil’s children make him an altar here in the center of the town, while My children do not want to celebrate Me even on the outskirts. Build Me an altar here.”

Altar – a place where you give God something.


proklamacja, proklamacja władzy Jezusa, proklamacja w Krakowie, proklamacja Jezusa, proclamation Poland, proklamacja manifest, kierunek Jezus, kościół miłości i mocy Jezusa, proklamacja Krakow


Khalid Shaheen

Khalid Shaheen

Reach the Unreached RTU – Missions

Evangelist Khalid Shaheen is a President of the RTU-Mission an organization which invests in equipping and mobilizing the local churches for the ministry of evangelism. Khalid is also an ordained Pastor of the Full Gospel Assemblies of Pakistan. In 2004 he came with his family to Germany after God’ call to him for mission to Germany and Europe.

He has been preaching and teaching in Asia, Africa, Europe, Canada, USA. Through RTU-Mission over a million people have heard the gospel. Over 250,000 gave their heart to Jesus and filled out a decision card. With the new Christians by the grace of God so far we have planted all together over 325 new churches with the help of the local pastors. In 2014 he was invited by Evangelist Daniel Kolenda to teach in the CfaN School of Evangelism in Orlando Florida. He had a great time of teaching there and now one of the attendee of this School is doing gospel crusades and Pastors conferences together with him.

Michael Job

Michael Job

Jesus Loves You Evangelistic Ministries

Michael Job is a missionary evangelist whose burning desire for people to be saved, healed, and personally encounter the love of Jesus has taken him to the other side of the world. Michael Job is an ordained minister with TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) and has worked for them for many years. He has often preached and presently portrays the role of Jesus in the many theatrical productions at TBN’s Holyland Experience in Orlando, FL. Being a previous associate pastor, he has a strong desire to see people not only get saved, but also be discipled into the local church.

His desire for people to personally know Jesus has led him to do many local area street outreaches, minister to the homeless, and has led him to disciple inmates at the Orange County Jail every week since 2004. Michael is grateful the Lord has called him to go to Krakow. God’s power will be poured out, many will encounter God, experience the love of Jesus, and many will be physically healed.

Wojciech Orzeł

Wojciech Orzeł

Kierunek Jezus Church

Wojciech Orzeł is the senior pastor of the Kierunek Jezus Church.

What did Jesus do in my life? I have seen and lived through hundreds of signs and wonders, hundreds. I will quote some, they were interspersed with difficult moments and months of vain efforts. Removing the passion for cigarettes, changing the taste so that alcohol became disgusting to me (this last almost 30 years), banishing allergies, dreaming patents (more than 10 registered), repeated healing of children (eg. temperature drops from 39.6 to 37.7 within 2 minutes of prayer, eczema, allergy, asthma, pain – many times), supernatural supply (employment including company car and apartment in 2004 after 5 years break, unexpected raises of salary, frequent promotions), dozens of cases of pain relief during prayers for me or others.

I saw with my own eyes, directly, within reach, lengthening the legs, moving the bones at the right place, removing blindness, deafness, paralysis, schizophrenia, depression, psoriasis – all at the command of Jesus issued on His behalf. Jesus is life for me, it’s no longer just a matter of faith. I love Him, I know and I see that He works, that He heals today as He once did, He changes people’s characters, He delivers, He heals. After several dozen of years I still experience challenges for faith and then surprise, shock, euphoria, because He acts like never before in my life. I could stop at some stage of knowledge about Him, knowing Him, experiencing God, but I just don’t want to!

pastor Ivan Iurchishin, pastor Sergii Panasenko, Oleh Sydorchuk

Słowiańska Misja w Europie


If you want to support the Festival you can do it by supporting us financially


Account number: 51 1090 1665 0000 0001 3626 2859

“Sacrifice for religious purposes Proclamation”


Kościół Kierunek Jezus, ul. Podbory 36, 32-050 Skawina


If You would like to participate, please contact us

[email protected]

You believe and confess that Jesus is the only Lord, the only Savior and the only way to the Father